Benlin 50% WP
Al:- Benomyl 500gm/kg
Benlin is an excellent broad spectrum fungicide
that controls many fungi on many crops.
It controls;
early and late blight on potato and Tomato
crops,fruit spot on Avocado,Black spot on
citrus, powedery on mango, powdery and botrytis
on grapes and Pappaya,black root rotand
Fusarium wilt on many crop
carbonchlor 50% sc
Al:(carbendazim 250 + chlorothalonil 250) gm/li
charbonchlor is a systematic and a contact fungicide that works
against many diseases on many crpos.
It has both curative and protective action
Galaxy is asystemic fungicide that works for many crops
it controls
powdery mildew on Tomatos,Apple,Grapes
mango,Papaye,Flowers,and Vegetables
AL:(Cymoxanil 80 + Mancozeb 640) gm/kg
Honer it is a contact fungicide works against many diseases.
it controls
late blight and early blight,downy mildew,
pythium/damping off and other phytopthora
AL: -Bupirimate 250m/lt
Bupulus is a systematic fungicide with curative
and protectant action.
it controls
powdery mildew on apple,pears,mango,papaya,
avocado,cucurbits,straw berry, grapes and ornamentals plants.
Hamfur 80% WDG
AI: Sulpher 800gm/kg
Hamfur 80% WDG is a protectant fungicide and also kills red spider mites.
It controls:
powdery mildew of mango, Grapes, Vegetables, apples and
Roses. And brownrot diseases on many plants.
Spiromate 500EC
AI: -Spiroxamine 500gm/lit
Spiromateis a systemic fungicide.
It controls: - powdery mildew, leaf spots and Rusts on crops like Grapes,
Cereals including Wheat,triticale, barley,Oatsand flowers
Amino Gold
Active ingredient –Organosilcon 100%
Amino Gold is an adjuvant that enhances the an efficacy of a fungicide Spiromate 500 EC
onLinseed powdery mildew (Odium lini)penetration and uptake of fungicide spiromate 500 EC
at amino Gold 0.1% (water +fungicides)
Benlin 50% WP
Al:- Benomyl 500gm/kg
Benlin is an excellent broad spectrum fungicide
that controls many fungi on many crops.
It controls;
early and late blight on potato and Tomato
crops,fruit spot on Avocado,Black spot on
citrus, powedery on mango, powdery and botrytis
on grapes and Pappaya,black root rotand
Fusarium wilt on many crop
carbonchlor 50% sc
Al:(carbendazim 250 + chlorothalonil 250) gm/li
charbonchlor is a systematic and a contact fungicide that works
against many diseases on many crpos.
It has both curative and protective action
Galaxy is asystemic fungicide that works for many crops
it controls
powdery mildew on Tomatos,Apple,Grapes
mango,Papaye,Flowers,and Vegetables
AL:(Cymoxanil 80 + Mancozeb 640) gm/kg
Honer it is a contact fungicide works against many diseases.
it controls
late blight and early blight,downy mildew,
pythium/damping off and other phytopthora
AL: -Bupirimate 250m/lt
Bupulus is a systematic fungicide with curative
and protectant action.
it controls
powdery mildew on apple,pears,mango,papaya,
avocado,cucurbits,straw berry, grapes and ornamentals plants.
Hamfur 80% WDG
AI: Sulpher 800gm/kg
Hamfur 80% WDG is a protectant fungicide and also kills red spider mites.
It controls:
powdery mildew of mango, Grapes, Vegetables, apples and
Roses. And brownrot diseases on many plants.
Spiromate 500EC
AI: -Spiroxamine 500gm/lit
Spiromateis a systemic fungicide.
It controls: - powdery mildew, leaf spots and Rusts on crops like Grapes,
Cereals including Wheat,triticale, barley,Oatsand flowers
Amino Gold
Active ingredient –Organosilcon 100%
Amino Gold is an adjuvant that enhances the an efficacy of a fungicide Spiromate 500 EC
onLinseed powdery mildew (Odium lini)penetration and uptake of fungicide spiromate 500 EC
at amino Gold 0.1% (water +fungicides)
Abema 3% EC
AI: Abamectin 20g/l + EmamectinBenzoite 10g/l
Systemic insecticide with excellent performance!!•
It is a systematic Insecticide works against many insects in different crops.
It controls: - America / fallarmyworm, Leaf miner, Tutaabsoluta, Aphids,
Thrips, Caterpillars, Mealy bugs and Scale insects.
It is cost effective and minimal rate of application & excellent quality.
Very safe to all crops and can be used at different growth stages!!
Hamectin3.6% EC
AI: Abamectin 3.6g/l
It is a systematic and a contact Insecticide works against many insects in many crops
It controls: - Diamond Black Mouth, ball worm, Tutaabsoluta and all types of mites and alsosuppressedthrips.
It is the cheapest pesticide that can control Tutaabsoluta.
Very safe to all crops at different stage of growth if it is used as per the label.
2 prove (Emamectine Benzoate 19g/l)
Prove is an Insecticide with a new mechanism of action and a strong activity against Lepidoptera and a high selectivity on useful organisms.
Prove is a systemic insecticide with the ability to penetrate leaf tissues by trans-laminar movement
Prove once applied on army worms, feeding and egg laying stops and death occurs after a few days
Prove has a long residual effect and no cross-resistance has been recorded due to its unique mode of action.
Target pest:-
boll worm, leaf miner, caterpilar etc
Target crop:-
all vegtables, all horticulture crops and field crops like soyabean, groundnut, cotton etc
Soya Beans
Active: emmamectin benzoate
Rate/ha: 500ml
500ml prove in at least 1000lt water/ha at 1st signs of infestation. will controll all Lepidopteran species, including egg stages
Farm Power
Personal protective Equipment
Galvanizing Industries
- Galva Flux (High, intermediate & low activity flux)
- Chromic Acid (Chrome Based Passivator)
- De-greasant
- Hydrochloric Acid
- Sulphuric Acid
- Sodium Hydroxide
- Lime (Calcium Oxide)
Laboratory Chemicals
Peints Chemicals
Carigated Sheets Chemicals